Mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.3.1

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Messages : 228
Inscription : 17 sept. 2022, 15:53

La mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.3.1 est disponible depuis quelques jours, avec pas mal d'ajustements par rapport à la 5.3.

Voici la liste des correctifs publiés par Epic :

Issue Summary
UE-195863 Cannot have Take Recorder up on more than one machine in a multi user session
UE-195538 UE5.3 modernized Xcode Workflow fails to process AdditionalBundleResources UBT property for iOS
UE-195526 Path tracer’s depth output should match filtering of alpha channel
UE-195511 Reloading a DMX asset will crash the editor
UE-195496 Runtime crash when the FieldNotify variable is set in BP.
UE-195476 Separate Translucency and Screen Percentage doesn’t work together
UE-195467 Set the IsVanilla field in the SessionSummary event on Linux install builds
UE-195295 Add new iPhone15 models to BaseDeviceProfiles.ini
UE-195250 Crash when using Break PCG Link function
UE-195241 Moving HeterogeneousVolume Component does not trigger a path tracing invalidation event
UE-195239 Rivermax library fails to load with 5.3 from launcher
UE-195238 Path tracing Heterogeneous Volumes with Sky Atmosphere causes a crash
UE-195229 Default physical material present on water body collision components
UE-195152 Evaluate and update project templates to disable Local Exposure by default as appropriate
UE-195112 Off launcher 5.3 UE crashes on launch when using the Virtual Production template
UE-195071 UMG Class Tiles do not show names in Library of Blueprint Editor
UE-195024 Fix Interchange import to unlock Twinmotion shipping on UE 5.3
UE-194959 Switchboard - Tools >Fill DDC actions fail with unhandled exception
UE-194924 Multi-User - Crash (Assert) on MU Editor Client when Foliage is drawn
UE-194917 Crash when enabling Nanite on a Geometry Collection
UE-194916 Animated SVTs created from importing .vdb files created in Houdini are jittering
UE-194915 Crash when playing back an animated SVT in reverse
UE-194914 Animated SparseVolumeTexture imports break on .vdb files exported from Houdini
UE-194787 Crash when using TimingInsights.ExportTimerStatistics execute command with timing regions.
UE-194698 Reset to default value a PCG Graph while having parameters crashes
UE-194453 Vulnerability exposed by outdate NuGet packages causing warnings for UE devs using latest VS
UE-194418 iOS build settings are not disabled when modern Xcode is turned on
UE-194358 Switching project to Vulkan or Vulkan SM6 crashes engine on restart
UE-194334 Bottom half of the screen displays the background sky, VFXs and some items when looking downwards.
UE-194161 QAGame crashes with Assertion failed: StencilLayout VulkanRHIPrivate on AMD GPUs
UE-193409 Non-Partitioned PCG Generated on Load during Runtime do not appear when Quick Launching
UE-193322 Packaged TM_SceneQueries Lines Traces do not behave the same as they do in PIE
UE-193244 LiveLink doesn’t work with 3 or more VRPN devices and terminates the Editor
UE-192701 All face-locked stereo layers are world-locked relative to TrackingToWorld and fail to track player movement
UE-188183 Opening Unreal Editor on Mac does not start the Unreal Trace Server.
UE-181459 Vioso SDK Update
