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Mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.4.2

Publié : 05 juin 2024, 08:38
par Bender
Le Hotfix Unreal Engine 5.4.1 est maintenant en ligne avec une longue liste de corrections clés pour Unreal Engine 5.4.

N'hésitez pas à faire part de vos commentaires et à discuter de la version actuelle. Si vous rencontrez un bug avec le correctif 5.4.2, veuillez le signaler dans le formulaire de soumission de bug :

La mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.4.2 est disponible avec la liste des correctifs suivants :

Issue / Summary
UE-196605 [CrashReport]UnrealEditor-Engine!FSubsystemCollectionBase::Deinitialize() [SubsystemCollection.cpp:205]
UE-213543 Investigate Crash in UPCGComponent::UpdateDynamicTracking
UE-213979 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry!FPathTree::RemovePath(FName,TFunctionRef) [PathTree.cpp:96]
UE-213984 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-Engine!FSubsystemCollectionBase::Deinitialize() [SubsystemCollection.cpp:200]
UE-185145 Stereo output on Oculus Quest is distorted
UE-213896 5.4.2 - Hotfix Candidate - Distance Field Mesh not generated after modeling geometry
UE-213740 Editor tries to rebuild hierarchy after saving and closing - 5.4.2
UE-210762 Ensure when opening Cloth Asset
UE-210469 Pixel Streaming blueprint components running unnecessarily even when unused in scene
UE-206996 Water is not rendering properly on MRQ output
UE-207611 Force Deleting a Level Snapshot with Sub-Levels causes an editor crash
UE-204520 FBaseAssetToolkit leaks raw pointer resulting in FSubsystemCollectionBase crash
UE-211765 Migrating Open World level to another project crashes editor.
UE-211468 Mac - Content Example - MetalRHI Mismatched Texture Type Ensure when launching Content Example project
UE-212099 Take Recorder - Viewport Freezing and Performance Degradation When Recording Without Subsequences
UE-212063 Implement fix and re-enable explicit bounds for hierarchical instance culling
UE-211801 [Crash Report] UnrealEditor-Renderer!TShaderRefBase<FHWRasterizeMS,FShaderMapPointerTable>::GetMeshShader() [Shader.h:1091]
UE-211421 Disabled particles can take several seconds to disappear in CVD
UE-213956 Change GetMaterial to GetMaterial_Concurrent
UE-213957 Prevent UObject access in HeterogeneousVolumeComponent’s PrimitiveSceneProxy
UE-213959 Heterogeneous Volume shadows flicker with Directional Light
UE-210908 GitHub 11693 : Prevent IOpenXRExtensionPlugins from being added multiple times
UE-213509 Cloth Asset - BucklingRatio has no effect when changed on the SimulationBendingConfig node when using PBD HingeAngles
UE-213501 Cloth Asset - Broken skinning on USD imported render meshes
UE-213414 Building UnrealGameSync with Installer/Build.bat fails due to missing UnrealGameSyncLauncher
UE-213275 Crash editor when raytracing is enabled and enter kanji characters into TextRenderActor
UE-213265 GAS: Local FPredictionKeys can be stomped by a Server Initiated PredictionKey with the same value
UE-213089 Crash when you enter a sample range and convert selected asset to BranchIn Notify inside the MM Editor window
UE-213250 Switching between play / simulate in vcam can cause editor to crash.
UE-213350 Remote Control Property ID not Working with Rundown Tool
UE-213569 Crash on running Geometry Script CopyCollisionMeshesFromObject method
UE-213478 Subversion (SVN) consistently fails to connect on 5.4 and later
UE-213564 Hot fix for Ease curve tool not reading key values on save/load
UE-214138 Incorrect Velocity Calcuation for Inertialization AnimNode
UE-214412 Control Rig - Connecting a Name array variable to select node crashes the editor
UE-213571 Created static particles can take several seconds to appear in CVD
UE-213635 Audio fade no longer works
UE-213625 Solidworks Datasmith Exporter Installer fails to completes on installation with Solidworks 2024
UE-213520 Spline workflows broken because construction script does not rerun when spline is edited
UE-213410 Offset Root Bone doesn’t copy pinned values
UE-213603 UE5.4 - Windows - RHI Validation Failed for WaterInfoTexture_8 and 9
UE-213346 PPM Chain Graphs Issue with packaged builds.
UE-213882 Texture readback node can trigger loads of RenderDoc captures when running UE with RD attached
UE-212814 Layered Control Rigs: Constraining IK hand to a baked cube is not working…
UE-212941 Looping subframe sequences don’t loop
UE-211986 ToString() from a StringTable entry now returns
UE-211963 DMX - Individual search field for patches can’t be reverted and are breaking the UI
UE-213413 [5.4.2] Ensure occurs when changing a State Tree Parameter to type string.
UE-213406 Unnecessary warning LogChaosCloth: Warning: Invalid pattern data. Num pattern indices 0 != Num welded indices… for all SKM cloth
UE-213555 (5.4.2) Subtrees with Enter Conditions will not execute
UE-213813 Pull down lists in Composure fail. Not able to make a comp with any transform passes.
UE-213668 [PCG - 5.4.2] The Static Mesh Spawner node does not set the bounds correctly when run in a reuse case
UE-213689 Crash processing Assets in UAvaFontManagerSubsystem::OnAssetsAdded
UE-214147 Retargeter freezes after editing retarget pose
UE-214145 Fix crash when IK Retargeting old animation (prior to 5.0)
UE-214224 Disable reporting scope for StallDetector
UE-214150 Chaos Cache: playing a destruction cache overrides the kinematic dynamic state set by the cache adapter
UE-214114 [PCG] SplitPoints node breaks metadata on application (5.4)
UE-214094 Material Designer Crash with Blend Mode Change
UE-214270 Editor GPU crashes do not include GPU breadcrumbs in crash report
UE-214290 Cloth Asset fails to load correctly in editor
UE-214837 Deformer graph anim attribute node does not react to details panel changes, including name change and pin addition
UE-215583 [5.4.2] Crash in Edit Materials tool when changing brush size
UE-215584 [5.4.2] Paint Maps: Crash trying to change brush radius
UE-214663 Render Indirect Capsule Shadows + Lumen HWRT artifact
UE-214332 Serialized Blueprints containing MIDs do not load correctly in packages.
UE-214293 Cloner updating material property on attached actor should update preview
UE-214539 [CrashReport][Crash] UnrealEditor-Engine!IWorldPartitionActorLoaderInterface::ILoaderAdapter::IsLoaded() [Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/WorldPartition/WorldPartitionActorLoaderInterface.cpp:98]
UE-214607 OnComponentHit events not dispatched on dedicated server with UE 5.4.1
UE-214485 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12DynamicRHI::LockBuffer(FRHICommandListBase &,FD3D12Buffer *,unsigned int,EBufferUsageFlags,unsigned int,unsigned int,EResourceLockMode) [Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D1…
UE-214736 [CrashReport][Crash] UnrealEditor-WorldPartitionEditor!static void GatherLoadedActorsBounds(class TArray<FBoundsWithVolume,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > & const, const class FWorldPartitionActorDescInstance *, const class UActorDes…
UE-214209 [PCG] Tag parsing in the level to asset export does not work for non-boolean types (5.4)
UE-213744 Stabilize Undo in Modular Control Rig - 5.4.2
UE-213735 Renaming modules affects other modules not related - 5.4.2
UE-213788 Static Analysis is incorrectly not run when building for -SingleFile
UE-213681 Ensure condition failed: !GIsTransacting ScopedTransaction.cpp ensure when undo/redo of copy/pasting of binding
UE-213972 [PCG - 5.4.2] Copy Attribute on Points is not working when copying an attribute into another
UE-194931 CitySample - When Crumpling the Hood of a Car the Hood Clips into the Engine Block
UE-213910 Cook error (Content is missing from cook) raised when cooking deep blueprint hierarchy