Mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.4.3

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Messages : 227
Inscription : 17 sept. 2022, 15:53

Le Hotfix Unreal Engine 5.4.3 est en ligne et corrige pas mal de problèmes de la version 5.4.

N'hésitez pas à faire part de vos commentaires et à discuter de la version actuelle.

La mise à jour Unreal Engine 5.4.3 est disponible avec la liste des correctifs suivants :

Issue Summary
UE-214640 XR - ISR - Moveable objects shadows such as the cube and gun appear in incorrect locations in VRPie and Windows Packages
UE-214649 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-RenderCore!FShaderDiagnosticRemapper::GetRemapData(int) [Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/ShaderPreprocessTypes.cpp:133]
UE-214486 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-Engine!FWorldPartitionReferenceImpl::DecRefCount(FWorldPartitionActorDescInstance *) [Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/WorldPartition/WorldPartitionHandle.cpp:290]
UE-213979 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry!FPathTree::RemovePath(FName,TFunctionRef) [PathTree.cpp:96]
UE-213989 [Mac] Assorted GPU crashes
UE-212778 Wires to PCG nodes with translated properties are cut
UE-211803 Uncontrolled CL : default uncontrolled cl does not appear
UE-214509 MPCook: Log messages from cookworkers are not sent to stdout and are not recorded in the list of errors and warnings at the end of the cook
UE-214541 Migrating Open World level to another project results in World Partition crash.
UE-214822 [PCG] PCG Volume not working when brush set to no collision
UE-214396 [PCG] Can’t derive from UPCGLevelToAssetExporter in BP
UE-212448 Windows are all under a log section in asset editors
UE-216735 LoadingScreen by MoviePlayer doesn’t support Material in UE5.4
UE-216306 Android Vulkan debug markers broken in development builds
UE-216233 Switch and Multi-Select nodes with Enums are breaking connections when language changes
UE-216274 [PCG] PCGActorHelper delete actor issues
UE-216234 [PCG] Incorrect warning on ‘Get Spline Data’ node when creating PCGLandscapeSplineData
UE-215119 Incorrect landscape bounds computation can lead to severe performance issues / flicker
UE-215048 Crash when locate_bound_objects is called
UE-215113 Fatal Error Encountered when Packaging Mac for Distribution
UE-215591 RayTracingGeometry.UpdateRHI(); crashes at checkf BuildParams.IsEmpty()
UE-215479 Failure to compile Material /Composure/Materials/Output/M_SrgbToLinear.M_SrgbToLinear in UE 5.4.x
UE-215210 Crash when opening a sequence in Take Recorder
UE-215014 Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null
UE-213640 Datasmith exporter 5.4 can crash Archicad 26 and 27
UE-214236 [PCG] Fix issues with caching in partitions with the spline and volume sampler (5.4)
UE-199677 Datasmith Export error Archicad 27
UE-215085 RigVM: ignore block from block combination hash
UE-214907 Crash when lowering the number of LODs
UE-215411 Delete Graph crashes the Engine
UE-216749 Crash when using vertex painting
UE-215525 GitHub 11914 : [MultiPlayerTesting][VRPreview]: All windows should have border
UE-218037 Crash with Open In Take Recorder 5.4.3
UE-215359 The limits on rotators are being applied correctly
UE-214884 Assertion failed: InDecoder != nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AudioMixer\Private\AudioMixerSourceBuffer.cpp]
UE-217483 5.4.3: Bump the version number for DS exporters and UE standalone installer
UE-215556 XR -ARKit - Tracked Planes are not attached to the real world objects when moving the camera around
UE-217572 Crash on SActorPaletteViewportToolbar::GenerateShowMenu
UE-212373 Dynamic Possession doesn’t seem to work in UE 5.4 in UMG
UE-215198 Fixes crash in intel arc GPU with vulkan
UE-215865 Disable Metal Heaps
UE-214612 Groom not rendering with binding asset error
UE-211801 [Crash Report] UnrealEditor-Renderer!TShaderRefBase<FHWRasterizeMS,FShaderMapPointerTable>::GetMeshShader() [Shader.h:1091]
UE-214827 PackedLevelActors are not updated when changing some properties
UE-215092 MemoryWriter.h File causes build errors
UE-218296 Fixing dedicated server crash on startup related to setting - gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers
UE-216063 Visual Studio .uproject support does not quote build commands when generated by UBT
UE-215131 UE freezes indefinitely when trying to flatten a Landscape on a Silicon Mac
UE-216285 High Perf Cost for Sky/Cloud/Fog with Alpha Enabled but Holdout Disabled
UE-216043 Add new 2024 iPad devices to the BaseDeviceProfiles ini
UE-215554 With AFS plugin enabled the application does not start during the Quick Launch process on Android 8 device
UE-218196 [PCG] Runtime generation on game server can crash
UE-216557 RigVM: Reentry evaluation causes compiler failure
UE-218265 PCG Runtime Cleanup in Standalone Game
UE-216692 Editor crash when r.Shaders.Optimize=0
UE-210825 Content Examples - Crash when opening Niagara_Fluids level
UE-215114 Rendering artifacts on skeletal meshes while r.SkinCache.RecomputeTangentsParallelDispatch is enabled
UE-214928 DMX - Crash when adding certain MVR files a 2nd time to the project
UE-215833 DMX - GDTFs imported via MVR don’t show in the content browser
UE-215283 Get ExtractRootTransformFromAnimationAsset() into 5.4.x release
UE-214740 Can’t change the Wildcard Value of a Set Animation Attribute node to a Float from dropdown menu
UE-214990 [Gauntlet] TargetDeviceAndroid.IsActivityRunning() is searching for ‘mResumedActivity’ when determining if the app is running in the foreground
UE-216620 The user experienced a crash opening a project using Nanite
UE-209584 Quick Launch of BluePrint projects fails on Mac
UE-218069 Textures With Missing Mips Not Rebuilding Correctly In Editor
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Site Admin
Messages : 400
Inscription : 15 sept. 2022, 13:14

Epic à corrigé beaucoup de bugs dans cette version.

Selon les retours des développeurs, les corrections importantes à noter sont :

- Le problème de ghosting sur les landscapes sans Nanite est toujours présent mais il suffit d'activer Nanite pour qu'il soit résolu.
- Le problème des textures en lowRes ou floues
- Les crashs d'UE5 qui plante lors du chargement/traitement des assets
- Le problème du build des niveaux qui se bloquent lors de la diffusion des textures
- Les performances très instable de l'ordre de +/-30%

La mise à jour est donc fortement recommandé pour tous ;)